Friday 17 March 2017

Iron Man overload

In Year 4, we are all about the Iron Man....

From our Literacy work, to our science project with electricity to art work of a robot and finally in our ICT work with making an Iron Man move.

This week we had to debug a program. We are still working on it... it is so hard... all we do is keep testing it.

I realised, whilst working on my science project, that I also have to keep testing it. It is quite impressive how it is the same even if one is on the computer and the other one is hands on.


  1. Very impressive! Although not everything was right,we did get though these things! :D

  2. We got to sketch our iron man using different shapes and then using silver metallic materials and then try to cut out the iron man but on the materials.Unfortunatly,we didn't get to put our lights that lights up but all of it was extremely fun.

  3. It was really fun when we made our own iron man with different material
    And making it move on the computer but it was hard when doing the
    Background because it gets mixed up with the Sprite.
